LiveSplit Key

Please log in first to access your LiveSplit Key.

What can I do with this?

Your LiveSplit key connects your LiveSplit to therun. Your runs will be tracked live, and your stats will be automatically updated after every run.

Check out the Live page to see runs in progress!

Treat this key like a password. Anyone who has this key can upload runs to your profile.

How does it work?

You can install the LiveSplit component in these 2 easy steps.

  1. Open the layout editor in LiveSplit. Add the component to your layout. It is under the Other dropdown.
  2. Open the Layout Settings. There, select the tab. Insert your LiveSplit Key. You are done!

Now, you will never have to upload your runs again! In addition, your live runs will show up in real time on your profile, and on the dedicated Live page! It also allows you to join Tournaments, or to participate in Races!

The code for the component is freely available on GitHub.


If your splits do not get uploaded or your runs do not show on the live page, here is what you can try:

  • Verify that the Game and Category fields have been set in LiveSplit
  • Verify that you added the layout from the Other tab to your layout in LiveSplit.

If after all this, it still does not work, please contact me!