
Lepetit vs MarkLukas

SMO Any% Open Div S, Group F

59:55 - MarkLukas_
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
lepetitSR finished the race - 1:01:09
MarkLukas_ finished the race - 59:55
lepetitSR{Bowser´s} Mech | 55:47 | 91%
MarkLukas_Bowser | 54:42 | 91%
lepetitSR- Bunnies | 52:07 | 85%
MarkLukas_Bunnies | 51:28 | 85%
lepetitSRRuined | 47:56 | 78%
MarkLukas_Ruined | 47:06 | 78%
lepetitSRLuncheon | 44:40 | 73%
MarkLukas_Luncheon | 43:50 | 72%
lepetitSRSeaside | 38:18 | 62%
MarkLukas_Seaside | 37:26 | 62%
lepetitSRSnow | 34:49 | 56%
MarkLukas_Snow | 34:15 | 56%
lepetitSRDay Metro | 30:12 | 49%
MarkLukas_Day | 29:41 | 49%
lepetitSRNight Metro | 25:45 | 42%
MarkLukas_Night | 25:40 | 42%
lepetitSRLost | 22:26 | 36%
MarkLukas_Lost | 22:20 | 36%
lepetitSRCloud | 20:02 | 32%
MarkLukas_Cloud | 20:12 | 33%
lepetitSRWooded | 18:34 | 30%
MarkLukas_Wooded | 18:43 | 30%
lepetitSRLake | 13:12 | 21%
MarkLukas_Lake | 13:23 | 22%
lepetitSRSand | 10:20 | 17%
MarkLukas_Sand | 10:29 | 17%
lepetitSRCascade | 05:37 | 9%
MarkLukas_Cascade | 05:35 | 9%
lepetitSRCap | 02:18 | 4%
MarkLukas_Cap | 02:20 | 4%
lepetitSR split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Dansta2106 has left the race
lepetitSR is ready
MarkLukas_ is ready
lepetitSR has joined the race
lopotit_live has left the race
MarkLukas_ has joined the race
lopotit_live has joined the race
Dansta2106 has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1698 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy
PB - 59:581607+29Done

PB - 59:551562-29Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
lepetitSR finished the race - 1:01:09
MarkLukas_ finished the race - 59:55
lepetitSR{Bowser´s} Mech | 55:47 | 91%
MarkLukas_Bowser | 54:42 | 91%
lepetitSR- Bunnies | 52:07 | 85%
MarkLukas_Bunnies | 51:28 | 85%
lepetitSRRuined | 47:56 | 78%
MarkLukas_Ruined | 47:06 | 78%
lepetitSRLuncheon | 44:40 | 73%
MarkLukas_Luncheon | 43:50 | 72%
lepetitSRSeaside | 38:18 | 62%
MarkLukas_Seaside | 37:26 | 62%
lepetitSRSnow | 34:49 | 56%
MarkLukas_Snow | 34:15 | 56%
lepetitSRDay Metro | 30:12 | 49%
MarkLukas_Day | 29:41 | 49%
lepetitSRNight Metro | 25:45 | 42%
MarkLukas_Night | 25:40 | 42%
lepetitSRLost | 22:26 | 36%
MarkLukas_Lost | 22:20 | 36%
lepetitSRCloud | 20:02 | 32%
MarkLukas_Cloud | 20:12 | 33%
lepetitSRWooded | 18:34 | 30%
MarkLukas_Wooded | 18:43 | 30%
lepetitSRLake | 13:12 | 21%
MarkLukas_Lake | 13:23 | 22%
lepetitSRSand | 10:20 | 17%
MarkLukas_Sand | 10:29 | 17%
lepetitSRCascade | 05:37 | 9%
MarkLukas_Cascade | 05:35 | 9%
lepetitSRCap | 02:18 | 4%
MarkLukas_Cap | 02:20 | 4%
lepetitSR split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Dansta2106 has left the race
lepetitSR is ready
MarkLukas_ is ready
lepetitSR has joined the race
lopotit_live has left the race
MarkLukas_ has joined the race
lopotit_live has joined the race
Dansta2106 has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1698 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy