Hunting Tourney 9x3
Race was aborted

9x3 race the first

2229 order 135792468

Race was canceled by LabrysSR
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Race was reset to starting state by LabrysSR. Starting over!
Matthew_sr abandoned the race
MarsDouze abandoned the race
LabrysSR abandoned the race
LabrysSR{Stage 1} 3 | 03:23 | 11%
ILikeEggsToo abandoned the race
LabrysSR-2 | 02:59 | 7%
ILikeEggsToo{Stage 1} 3 | 05:55 | 11%
Matthew_sr{Stage 1} 3 | 01:02 | 11%
ILikeEggsToo-2 | 05:26 | 7%
Matthew_sr-2 | 00:44 | 7%
LabrysSR-1 | 02:34 | 4%
ILikeEggsToo-1 | 05:03 | 4%
Matthew_sr-1 | 00:22 | 4%
Race has started


Top Ratings
1573 - Matthew_sr
1502 - LabrysSR
Top Times This Month
19:56 - Matthew_sr
20:25 - LabrysSR
21:27 - ILikeEggsToo
Race was canceled by LabrysSR
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Race was reset to starting state by LabrysSR. Starting over!
Matthew_sr abandoned the race
MarsDouze abandoned the race
LabrysSR abandoned the race
LabrysSR{Stage 1} 3 | 03:23 | 11%
ILikeEggsToo abandoned the race
LabrysSR-2 | 02:59 | 7%
ILikeEggsToo{Stage 1} 3 | 05:55 | 11%
Matthew_sr{Stage 1} 3 | 01:02 | 11%
ILikeEggsToo-2 | 05:26 | 7%
Matthew_sr-2 | 00:44 | 7%
LabrysSR-1 | 02:34 | 4%
ILikeEggsToo-1 | 05:03 | 4%
Matthew_sr-1 | 00:22 | 4%
Race has started


Top Ratings
1573 - Matthew_sr
1502 - LabrysSR
Top Times This Month
19:56 - Matthew_sr
20:25 - LabrysSR
21:27 - ILikeEggsToo