United States of America
Platform: PC
Region: USA / NTSC
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:04:40 | 57 | 20h 05m | 10/13/2024 3:31 AM |
| 1:11:43 | 119 | 43h 18m | 06/02/2024 2:22 AM |
Platform: Flash
Category: 100%
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 13:59 | 4 | 41:18 | 07/15/2024 1:32 AM |
Platform: Web
Uses Emulator: Yes
Category: Any%
| 24:04 | 60 | 5:46:29 | Unknown |
| 13:13 | 46 | 3:55:36 | 04/08/2024 3:50 PM |
Platform: Web
Category: Any%
| - | 6 | 1:09:33 | 10/27/2020 11:08 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 31:04 | 16 | 6:33:30 | 11/14/2024 4:30 PM |
Platform: Web
Uses Emulator: Yes
Category: All Level Upgrades
| 24:57 | 84 | 9:31:52 | 03/11/2024 3:50 PM |
Platform: Web
Uses Emulator: Yes
Category: Any%
| 19:45 | 72 | 5:15:49 | 03/10/2024 3:06 AM |
Platform: Web
Category: Any%
| 20:04 | 70 | 4:36:11 | 03/10/2024 1:55 AM |
Uses Emulator: Yes
Duck Type: Athletic
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 31:52 | 82 | 9:42:09 | 12/12/2023 5:05 PM |
Platform: Web
Uses Emulator: Yes
Duck Type: Strength
| 32:54 | 126 | 11h 10m | 07/23/2021 8:44 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 2:18:05 (IGT) | 1 | 4:32:11 | 12/16/2024 4:01 AM |
| 1:32:06 (IGT) | 14 | 20h 09m | 12/15/2024 6:48 PM |
| 1:00:17 | 18 | 10h 40m | 02/24/2024 5:06 AM |
| 33:49 | 25 | 12h 30m | 05/28/2024 4:02 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 7:16:09 | 1 | 7:16:09 | 02/24/2021 3:32 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| - | 0 | 00:00 | Unknown |
Platform: Switch
cc: 150cc
Patch Number: 2.3.0+
Items: No Items
Waves: :Waves 1+2
Version: Digital
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 37:42 | 13 | 7:44:27 | Unknown |
Platform: Switch
cc: 150cc
Patch Number: 2.3.0+
Items: No Items
Version: Digital
| 1:59:40 | 6 | 6:13:13 | 06/26/2024 2:49 AM |
| 2:02:33 | 5 | 6:48:41 | 11/20/2023 1:51 AM |
| 38:44 | 3 | 1:58:10 | 06/25/2024 3:32 AM |
Platform: Switch
cc: 200cc
Patch Number: 2.3.0+
Items: No Items
Version: Digital
| 1:40:59 | 1 | 1:40:59 | 08/21/2024 1:35 AM |
| 34:05 | 1 | 34:05 | 08/21/2024 2:22 AM |
Platform: Switch
cc: 150cc
Patch Number: 2.3.0+
Version: Digital
| 2:02:33 | 7 | 8:54:13 | 11/20/2023 1:51 AM |
| - | 8 | 8:54:19 | 11/10/2023 12:40 AM |
Platform: Switch
cc: 150cc
Individual Cup: Bell Cup
Items: No Items
Version: Digital
| 09:25 | 14 | 1:40:30 | 12/27/2023 11:44 PM |
Platform: Switch
Patch Number: 2.3.0+
cc: 150cc
Items: No Items
Version: Digital
| 41:18 | 6 | 3:32:04 | 08/28/2024 2:34 AM |
Platform: Switch
cc: 150cc
Version: Digital
Items: No Items
| 39:24 | 7 | 3:30:09 | 06/25/2024 2:44 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 12:13 | 10 | 1:27:01 | Unknown |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 2:33:32 | 1 | 2:33:32 | 09/24/2023 3:02 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 59:36 | 3 | 2:01:54 | 11/29/2024 3:20 AM |
Platform: PC
Decathalon: Any%
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 10:46 | 57 | 3:10:30 | 04/08/2024 4:32 PM |
Decathalon: Lord Cinderbottom
| - | 4 | 13:53 | 06/18/2023 4:47 PM |
Platform: PC
Warren?: Any%
Points: 10 Milllion
| 54:43 | 31 | 6:25:59 | 09/24/2023 4:39 AM |
Points: 10 Milllion
No Warren: Any%
| 1:02:29 | 6 | 2:03:01 | 06/18/2023 6:03 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:36:26 | 6 | 3:15:49 | 01/31/2024 5:42 PM |
| 1:22:20 | 48 | 13h 41m | 10/13/2024 2:18 AM |
| 35:28 | 35 | 5:26:57 | 06/25/2024 4:18 AM |
Platform: PC
Region: USA / NTSC
Master: Claude Lobster
| 1:39:58 | 3 | 1:40:19 | 10/20/2024 2:54 AM |
Platform: PC
Region: USA / NTSC
Master: Jimmy Lightning
| 1:40:55 | 4 | 1:41:35 | 07/07/2024 2:49 AM |
Platform: PC
Region: USA / NTSC
Master: Splork Sporkan
| 1:22:53 | 20 | 6:22:12 | 09/08/2023 3:46 PM |
Platform: PC
Master: Lord Cinderbottom
| 1:23:57 | 22 | 5:28:28 | 06/11/2024 3:28 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 10:26 | 14 | 2:06:00 | 11/11/2024 2:33 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:28:48 | 4 | 4:04:18 | 10/27/2024 1:34 AM |
| 1:17:37 | 4 | 1:47:53 | 10/27/2024 3:09 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:25:34 | 79 | 35h 46m | 03/27/2024 3:30 PM |
| 29:26 | 16 | 3:29:20 | 08/31/2024 1:48 AM |
| 1:43:01 | 1 | 1:43:02 | 09/10/2024 4:21 PM |
| - | 5 | 5:53:17 | 06/16/2024 8:01 PM |
| 1:16:57 | 4 | 2:36:17 | 11/18/2024 5:43 PM |
Platform: PC
Masters: Renfield Pumpkin
| 1:56:21 | 1 | 1:56:22 | 11/03/2024 3:57 AM |
Platform: PC
Pack Name: Eterna Floaroma
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 04:45 | 4 | 13:22 | 03/18/2024 4:19 PM |
Platform: PC
Pack Name: Holidays 08 (Xmas)
| 05:33 | 12 | 56:43 | 12/26/2023 6:21 PM |
Platform: PC
Pack Name: Hollow Knight
| 05:09 | 13 | 59:16 | 12/18/2024 3:53 PM |
Platform: PC
Pack Name: Spring Fever (10 levels)
| 10:30 | 9 | 1:22:38 | 11/17/2024 2:37 AM |
| 04:04 | 10 | 38:06 | 08/26/2024 12:06 AM |
| 23:16 | 1 | 23:17 | 06/02/2024 3:57 AM |
Platform: PC
Master Pack Name: Hollow Knight
| - | 16 | 2:04:41 | 08/26/2024 12:16 AM |
Platform: PC
Master Pack Name: Spring Fever (10 levels)
| 1:07:34 | 5 | 1:38:58 | 11/17/2024 3:52 AM |
Platform: PC
Points: 10 Million
No Warren: NG+
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| - | 1 | 21:06 | 09/10/2024 4:46 PM |
Uses Emulator: Yes
Version: Blue
Playstyle: Single Segment
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| - | 11 | 49:53 | 08/16/2016 7:41 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 5:34:03 | 16 | 13h 19m | 07/25/2022 6:23 AM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| - | 0 | 00:00 | Unknown |
Platform: Switch
Copy: Physical
Version: 1.3.0
Player: 1P
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 2:10:36 | 5 | 10h 32m | 04/28/2024 6:36 PM |
Name | Value |
Total Games | 21 |
Total Categories | 65 |
Total time played | 376 hours |
Total attempts | 1353 |
Total completed attempts | 274 |
Total completion % | 20.25% |
Last active | 12/18/2024 5:02 PM |
New!Name | Value |
Total Races | 7 |
Finished Races | 6 |
Finished % | 86% |
Total Race Time | 7:58:45 |
Peggle Deluxe - NG+ Adventure Mode
Speedrun Sessions
Run | Started at | Ended at | Duration | Started runs | Finished runs | Finished times |
Peggle Nights - Level Packs - Grand Master | 12/18/2024 3:31 PM | 12/18/2024 5:02 PM | 1:31:07 | 5 | 3 | |
Peggle Nights - Level Packs - Any% | 12/18/2024 3:31 PM | 12/18/2024 3:53 PM | 22:07 | 2 | 3 | |
Duck Life 9: The Flock - All Trophies | 12/15/2024 11:29 PM | 12/16/2024 4:01 AM | 4:32:11 | 1 | 1 | |
Duck Life 9: The Flock - Any% | 12/15/2024 4:09 PM | 12/15/2024 6:48 PM | 2:39:02 | 0 | 1 | |
Peggle Nights - Any% | 12/13/2024 3:38 PM | 12/13/2024 4:38 PM | 1:00:01 | 3 | 0 | |
Peggle Nights - Any% | 12/01/2024 11:26 PM | 12/02/2024 1:54 AM | 2:28:01 | 5 | 0 | |
Peggle: World of Warcraft Edition - Grand Master | 12/01/2024 2:11 AM | 12/01/2024 3:11 AM | 59:56 | 0 | 1 | |
Peggle: World of Warcraft Edition - Grand Master | 11/29/2024 2:17 AM | 11/29/2024 3:20 AM | 1:02:19 | 3 | 1 | |
Peggle Nights - Any% | 11/26/2024 3:01 PM | 11/26/2024 4:22 PM | 1:21:01 | 3 | 0 | |
Peggle Nights - NG+ | 11/18/2024 2:48 PM | 11/18/2024 5:43 PM | 2:54:42 | 4 | 2 | |
Twitch stream