
Desert Golfing

Desert Golfing

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
01:22 7946:4901/16/2023 3:39 PM
Marble It Up!

Marble It Up!

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
57:25 13125h 50m10/01/2021 3:56 PM
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge

Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
31:03 47239h 31m08/04/2023 2:46 PM
10:16 763:40:0512/18/2020 11:55 PM
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 193:32:4011/08/2022 8:12 PM
The Secret Of Monkey Island

The Secret Of Monkey Island

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
26:51 145092h 21m07/11/2022 5:13 PM
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
37:19 114277h 37m01/21/2019 1:12 PM


Total Games6
Total Categories7
Total time played243 hours
Total attempts3369
Total completed attempts198
Total completion %5.88%
Last active08/25/2023 9:22 PM
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Speedrun Sessions

RunStarted atEnded atDurationStarted runsFinished runsFinished times
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/25/2023 8:50 PM08/25/2023 9:22 PM31:3901
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/21/2023 7:43 PM08/21/2023 8:42 PM59:02200
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/11/2023 10:11 PM08/11/2023 10:28 PM16:3250
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any% Normal Glitched08/05/2023 3:32 PM08/05/2023 4:14 PM42:11100
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/04/2023 2:15 PM08/04/2023 2:46 PM31:1621
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/03/2023 10:36 AM08/03/2023 11:07 AM31:3221
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/02/2023 10:01 AM08/02/2023 10:35 AM33:0441
The Secret Of Monkey Island - Any%08/02/2023 10:00 AM08/02/2023 10:00 AM00:0100
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %08/01/2023 10:33 AM08/01/2023 11:06 AM32:1050
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge - Any %07/31/2023 4:25 PM07/31/2023 4:40 PM14:3140

Twitch stream