
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 51:37 | 1682 | 76h 01m | 09/17/2022 9:01 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 37:46 | 94 | 8:54:04 | 08/31/2022 6:36 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 5:24:25 | 1683 | 81h 25m | 09/19/2022 11:09 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:03:10 | 1470 | 37h 32m | 07/26/2022 7:16 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| 1:57:26 | 7370 | 62h 45m | 02/26/2018 8:49 PM |
Run | PB | Attempts | Played | PB Time |
| - | 5437 | 85h 39m | 10/22/2015 5:21 PM |
Name | Value |
Total Games | 6 |
Total Categories | 6 |
Total time played | 352 hours |
Total attempts | 17736 |
Total completed attempts | 63 |
Total completion % | 0.36% |
Last active | 11/18/2022 2:05 AM |
Mario Party 5 - Story Mode
Speedrun Sessions
Run | Started at | Ended at | Duration | Started runs | Finished runs | Finished times |
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ - Racing+ | 11/18/2022 1:49 AM | 11/18/2022 2:05 AM | 15:07 | 6 | 0 | |
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ - Racing+ | 10/28/2022 1:52 AM | 10/28/2022 1:52 AM | 00:36 | 2 | 0 | |
Super Smash Bros. Melee - All Events | 10/28/2022 1:50 AM | 10/28/2022 1:50 AM | 00:01 | 0 | 0 | |
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror - Any% | 10/28/2022 1:48 AM | 10/28/2022 1:48 AM | 00:05 | 0 | 0 | |
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance - 7 Char | 10/28/2022 1:47 AM | 10/28/2022 1:47 AM | 00:09 | 0 | 0 | |
Mario Party 4 - Story Mode, Easy | 10/28/2022 1:46 AM | 10/28/2022 1:46 AM | 00:03 | 0 | 0 | |
Mario Party 4 - Story Mode, Easy | 10/26/2022 5:33 PM | 10/26/2022 5:47 PM | 14:36 | 6 | 0 | |
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance - 7 Char | 10/26/2022 5:43 PM | 10/26/2022 5:43 PM | 00:15 | 2 | 0 | |
Mario Party 5 - Story Mode | 10/26/2022 5:39 PM | 10/26/2022 5:40 PM | 00:06 | 0 | 0 | |
Mario Party 5 - Story Mode | 09/26/2022 7:19 PM | 09/26/2022 8:08 PM | 48:34 | 4 | 0 | |
Twitch stream