
He/Him She/Her They/Them
Norway  Norway
Splatoon 3: Side Order

Splatoon 3: Side Order

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
12h 07m 323h 33m10/12/2024 7:19 AM
- 21:04:0106/22/2024 1:59 PM
08:20 121:20:4107/30/2024 8:36 PM
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
2:46:18 23:46:5411/04/2024 2:09 AM
2:16:29 12:16:2911/10/2024 7:12 AM
Uses Emulator: Yes
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
18:22 447:0010/28/2023 7:56 AM
00:39 1031:13:4110/26/2023 10:05 AM
Platform: Wii
Platform Board: Console
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:08:19 175:41:1108/07/2023 10:41 PM

Apex Legends

Squad Size: Duos
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
03:18 292:03:2810/04/2024 6:06 PM
03:01 211:22:2310/04/2024 9:12 PM
Squad Size: Solo
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
04:14 392:44:1409/05/2024 2:52 PM

Dvard's Practice

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
01:23 541:13:5209/01/2024 12:41 PM

Inkling's Nightmare

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
00:53 100:0111/17/2024 7:07 AM

Multiple Splatoon Games

Main Board: S3
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 14:23:5607/24/2024 5:31 AM
Main Board: S3
Run type: Solo
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
15h 59m 115h 59m09/16/2023 4:34 PM
Splatoon 3 Category: Any%
Run type: Solo
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
2:03:06 1411h 01m10/26/2024 3:33 PM

Multiple Splatoon Games Category Extensions

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
13:11 100:0111/16/2024 5:02 PM

Octo Expansion Category Extensions

8-Ball Category: All Missions
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 211:2409/08/2024 9:01 PM
8-Ball Category: All Weapons
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
31:38 71:05:1108/25/2024 1:58 PM
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 000:00Unknown
02:03 2040:2711/13/2023 9:06 PM
Line: Line A
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
10:31 2638:4909/07/2024 2:03 AM
Line: Line D
Line RTA Category: All Missions
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
14:42 114:4209/07/2024 2:36 AM
Line: Line E
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 105:1008/05/2024 8:56 PM
Line: Line G
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
14:20 311:53:1608/05/2024 8:12 PM
Line: Line I
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
16:11 181:55:1408/03/2024 12:51 AM
Weapon: Bamboozler 14 Mk I
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
15:27 115:2808/03/2024 1:24 AM
Weapon: Splat Charger
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 507:3009/07/2024 2:53 AM


RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
39:15 142:48:2111/02/2023 12:42 PM
03:26 2237:3310/31/2023 3:37 AM
09:19 1142:2310/31/2023 8:45 AM
19:19 321:55Unknown
Full Combos: 10
Gamemode: standard
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
03:59 514:4911/03/2023 4:53 PM
Full Combos: 100
Gamemode: catch
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
58:36 158:3611/03/2023 4:32 PM
Platform: PC
SS Grades: 100
Mods: EZ(HD)(DT)
Mod Restrictions: No HD or HR
Gamemode: standard
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 818:0105/24/2024 3:45 AM

Rainbow Expansion

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:58:02 100:0111/17/2024 7:06 AM

Salmon Run: NEXT WAVE

Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Site: Site 4
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
29:47 251:2507/03/2024 7:47 AM

Side Order Category Extensions

Palette: Pearl (Dualies)
Timing: Real Time
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
26:08 126:0811/28/2024 3:14 PM
1:04:42 22:07:4011/28/2024 5:40 PM
14:55 200:0507/24/2024 1:57 PM
Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:36:49 810h 35m11/23/2024 8:43 PM
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion

Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion

Category: Death Abuse
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
58:29 158:2907/27/2024 6:08 PM
5:32:31 1947h 41m08/29/2024 9:02 PM
3:03:52 717h 12m08/10/2024 3:11 AM
16:00 216:5409/02/2024 12:56 PM
Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3

Platform: Switch
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 100:5906/26/2024 12:49 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
5:40:58 1248h 29m10/13/2024 8:31 AM
5:43:48 1036h 59m09/25/2023 6:56 PM
1:03:23 85:08:2809/09/2023 5:35 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 5.0.0
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:17:04 22:43:2809/05/2023 4:32 AM
1:03:23 74:03:5009/09/2023 5:35 AM
Glitch Category: No Patched Glitches
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:09:43 11:09:4407/21/2024 6:34 PM
1:05:32 22:26:0505/07/2024 7:28 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Glitch Category: No Patched Glitches
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
3:03:39 3645h 35m07/17/2024 9:12 PM
3:17:36 720h 48m07/19/2024 8:41 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 2.0+
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
3:07:09 1526h 31m10/03/2023 5:57 AM
3:23:54 717h 47m09/03/2023 11:15 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 7.2.0
Glitch Category: No Patched Glitches
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:02:51 138:58:4405/25/2024 3:20 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 5.0.0
NG+ Category: All Gold Kettles
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
42:30 448:58:1008/27/2023 9:12 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
NG+ Category: All Missions
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
2:20:11 3410h 10m08/26/2023 2:03 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 4.1.0
NG+ Category: All Missions
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
2:20:11 289:30:4208/26/2023 2:03 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
NG+ Category: All Silver Kettles
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 642:5607/14/2024 4:30 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Version: 5.0.1
NG+ Category: All Silver Kettles
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:11:50 309:07:2809/26/2023 8:38 PM
Platform: Switch
NG+ Category: All Gold Kettles
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
41:10 8314h 27m07/12/2024 2:03 PM

Splatoon 3 Category Extensions

Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:39:26 11:39:2709/22/2023 12:36 PM
1:14:36 1410h 13m11/30/2024 9:33 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Collectable: All Gold Records
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
38:07 63:33:1909/30/2023 3:29 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Collectable: All Sardiniums
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
46:51 146:5109/27/2023 11:53 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Collectable: All Scrolls
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
56:49 156:4909/27/2023 10:59 PM
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
04:17 1232:1011/30/2024 7:49 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Site: Site 2
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
14:22 619:3807/03/2024 6:51 PM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Site: Site 4
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
21:37 221:4007/03/2024 7:05 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Site: Site 5
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
22:05 122:0607/03/2024 6:34 AM
Platform: Switch
Region: EUR / PAL
Site: Site 6
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
19:29 71:00:3906/30/2024 1:34 AM

Tableturf Battle

RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
10:06 100:0211/17/2024 7:05 AM


Boss Order: Set Order
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: Journey
Difficulty: Normal
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 157:4707/18/2024 7:51 AM
Boss Order: Any Order
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Normal
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:59:45 11:59:4510/03/2024 6:54 PM
Boss Order: Set Order
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Normal
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:02:14 54:27:4510/06/2024 9:29 PM
Category (Co-op): All Pre-Hardmode Bosses
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Master
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
4:09:43 14:09:4410/03/2024 2:18 AM
Category (Co-op): All Pre-Hardmode Bosses Set Order
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Master
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
2:31:14 1322h 22m10/24/2024 9:49 PM
Category (Co-op): All Pre-Hardmode Bosses Set Order
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Normal
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
1:21:23 59:46:5310/06/2024 2:19 AM
Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
Difficulty: Normal
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 105:0210/09/2024 11:11 PM

Terraria Category Extensions

Seeds: Random
Version: 1.4.4+
Herb bags: No herb bags
Patch/Game mode: 1.4 NMA
RunPBAttemptsPlayedPB Time
- 111:3910/05/2024 12:45 AM


Total Games19
Total Categories83
Total time played509 hours
Total attempts952
Total completed attempts282
Total completion %29.62%
Last active11/30/2024 9:33 PM


Total Races6
Finished Races5
Finished %83%
Total Race Time18h 04m

Splatoon 3: Side Order - 100%

PB: 12h 07m
Loading data...

Speedrun Sessions

RunStarted atEnded atDurationStarted runsFinished runsFinished times
Splatoon 3 Category Extensions - Any% No Upgrades11/30/2024 8:18 PM11/30/2024 9:33 PM1:14:3601
Splatoon 3 Category Extensions - Limited Ink RTA11/30/2024 7:00 PM11/30/2024 7:49 PM49:19124
Side Order Category Extensions - Any% Shotless11/28/2024 3:26 PM11/28/2024 5:40 PM2:13:4221
Side Order Category Extensions - NG+ Shotless11/28/2024 2:48 PM11/28/2024 3:14 PM26:0811
Splatoon 2 - Any%11/26/2024 9:35 PM11/26/2024 9:35 PM00:0400
Splatoon 2 - Any%11/23/2024 7:06 PM11/23/2024 9:06 PM2:00:1221
Splatoon 2 - Any%11/22/2024 2:29 PM11/22/2024 4:09 PM1:39:5611
Splatoon 2 - Any%11/19/2024 5:05 PM11/19/2024 6:46 PM1:41:1411
Splatoon 2 - Any%11/17/2024 10:52 AM11/17/2024 12:34 PM1:42:2111
Inkling's Nightmare - Any%11/17/2024 7:07 AM11/17/2024 7:07 AM00:0111

Twitch stream